ropecleaner boatasy

Un nuovo modo per pulire le corde

Sostituisce la pulizia tradizionale

Boatasy Ropecleaner

Facile da usare

Protegge le mani e le corde

Boatasy Ropecleaner

Risparmia tempo di pulizia

Boatasy Ropecleaner

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Strumento pratico e maneggevole per una pulizia efficace


Nuovo modo di pulire

Pronto per vari tipi di sporco. Semplice da usare. Sostituisce completamente la vecchia pulizia.


Progettato per tutti i tipi di corde

Si puo usare per corde fino a 32 mm di diametro di spessore.


Forte e veloce

Struttura robusta. La spirale è realizzata in robusto acciaio inossidabile marino.


Risparmia tempo e denaro

Pulisci efficacemente in un tempo più breve ed evita un costoso servizio di pulizia subacquea.

The Boatasy Ropecleaner is the new cleaner for overgrown ropes. It guarantees effective cleaning of various overgrown marine ropes – mooring and anchor ropes, lazy lines, other underwater ropes, etc.  Its compact size makes it easy to store and transport, and can be used on the go without the need for electricity or a water source and in this way substitutes the traditional cleaning of the overgrown ropes. 


You can easily twist the Ropecleaner onto the ropes of different diameters and then push through it. The metal spiral of the Square section has sharpened inner parts, which efficiently cuts and removes various shells, corals and algae.  The powerful cleaning quickly breaks down and removes the overgrown and dirt parts, leaving your ropes and lines looking new.

Its heavy-duty structure resists as the spiral is made of strong stainless steel. The metal spiral has a Square section of 6 mm and an inner diameter of 32 mm. Particularly designed so that cleaned overgrown parts during usage don’t interfere with the cleaning process.It saves time. A 15-meter-long overgrown line can be cleaned in less than 5 minutes. Compared to traditional cleaning is a few times shorter. Particularly designed in a way, that removed dirt doesn’t interfere with the cleaning process.


In that way, you can avoid a high-cost underwater cleaning service or divers, who dismantle and then fix the rope from the underwater objects and then clean it on the pier with the high-pressure cleaner. You can save also as do not need energy and chemicals in a much shorter time.

It`s a clean, environment-friendly solution that completely substitutes cleaning with chemicals or various machines.